We are delighted to welcome Benjamin Wallo to Susa Ventures. Benjamin joins our operations team as Office and Events Coordinator.
Benjamin will run point on Susa’s events program. He’ll strive to provide founders, investors, and other key players in the venture industry with opportunities to develop the kinds of strong personal relationships that define the Susa community.
Additionally, Benjamin will help set the vibe of our SF headquarters, which is a part of Susa’s commitment to being the most accessible and supportive early-stage investor. Susa sees its office in SF’s Mission district as a space that gives members of the extended Susa community a sense of belonging, as well as providing early stage founders a welcome base from which to work and deepen their human level relationships with our community.
Benjamin joins us from Principal Builders, a San Francisco based boutique construction company. While there he coordinated the construction of Asana HQ (San Francisco’s largest office space lease of 2019) along with other tech and venture firm headquarters across the city. This gives him a unique perspective both on the startup landscape, and on workplace environment architecture.
Benjamin is welcoming, gentle, detail-oriented, and will never forget your drink order. We look forward to seeing what sorts of events Benjamin will create for our community to experience!
Please join us in welcoming Benjamin to Susa Ventures. If you want to say hi, he’s at benjamin@susaventures.com
Welcome, Benjamin!
-Team Susa
Welcoming Benjamin Wallo to Susa Ventures was originally published in Susa Ventures on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.